Linda Ekren

Licensed in:

Office: 208-324-3354

Cell: 208-539-3458


Welcome to our website of Canyon Trail Realty! I am the Realtor who can "PUT YOU ON THE RIGHT TRAIL"! With over 16 years in real estate education and experience, working with clients to buy or sell has become my life. Whether it be residential, ranches/farms, commercial, investment properties, vacation retreats or just plain ole' bare ground, I will be there to help you. That's what we do!I am an Idaho native and my roots run deep--from a "farm girl" to a "city dweller". I 'm proud of the communities in our area and the places we call "HOME". You can too! Give me a call 208-539-3458 or email me at: lindaekren@gmail.com If in the area, stop by our office in Jerome at 700 So. Lincoln, Jerome, ID 83338 and ask for me, "Linda Lee"!