Planning to Sell

It is important to set out in writing the reasons that are motivating you to sell your current home. You might ask yourself, "Why am I selling my home and what do I expect to accomplish?" If you have a growing family and you need more space you may be under less pressure to get your house ready to sell than if you were, let's say, moving to a new city due to career opportunity.

Explore your short and long term goals and decide how selling your house fits into those goals. We will help you identify all of the variables within your individual goals and how best to achieve them in our local real estate market. We will apply all of our local knowledge to your particular needs and goals and then help you set a realistic time frame for the process. This will help you to establish a time management path for selling your home and finding your new Dream Home.

Now that your home is ready, it’s time to put it up the For Sale Sign and market it. We will establish a marketing plan, or strategy and we will then work our plan. We will expose your home to the most potential buyers possible by using our marketing plan this will bringing not only the most buyers, but also the most qualified buyers, to your doorstep. There are many different ways to get the word out there that your home is for sale. A yard sign, flyers, virtual tours and direct marketing are just a few of the many options available. If you are in a buyer's market we will have to be extra careful when developing our plan. We do not want your home to sit with no one showing interest. We will structure our marketing strategy so that the first 3-6 weeks that your home is on the market will be the busiest.

Most offers to purchase your home will require some level of negotiation to come to a win-win agreement. We are well versed on the legalities of the real estate contract used here in our area and will handle the responsibility of protecting you and your best interest throughout these negotiations. In addition, we have a thorough understanding of the contract itself, including what each contract clause means to you and our buyer, what you will net from the sale of your home, and what areas in the contract lend themselves easiest to negotiation. We will review the written offer with you to make sure that you thoroughly understand what the buyers are offering and what they are asking in return.

Some of the items that you may have to negotiate are:
• The price
• Financing
• Closing costs
• Repairs that need to be done
• Appliances and fixtures
• Landscaping
• Painting
• Occupancy time frame

To really gain some insight into why potential buyers are pursuing the purchase of your home and how they might proceed in the negotiations, it is also important to know as much about the buyer as possible, especially their motivation for buying. Once both parties have reached a point where the deal is acceptable, We will be certain that you have a legally executable contract.